A Note From The Pastor
“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” (Acts 2:46-47a) I have some clergy friends who make fun of “pot-luck” dinners. They make comments about how folks won’t come unless we feed them. They may even lump coffee hour into that category. I don’t agree with them! Many years ago in thinking about why I felt closer to folks in one church than another, I realized that in the first church we had eaten together numerous times. In the other church, we seldom shared food in any way. Hmmm! That whole idea set me thinking of the need for us to eat together in many settings – family, church, business, gatherings with friends. Recently, in one of the Still Speaking Devotions, Shawnthea Monroe reminded us that “Studies have shown that family meals have a positive effect on children, especially adolescents.” Too many of us are “too busy” for those meals these days. We find ourselves eating in shifts or skipping meals altogether in favor of snacks. We’re told it’s not healthy, but we do it anyway. Well, do we have a plan for you! During the season of Lent, we will be gathering each Wednesday for a meal and a program. And you are invited. We’ll gather at 6:00 to eat (pot-lucks on February 29, March 7, 21, 28; corned beef and cabbage dinner on March 14; catered meal on Thursday, April 5). If you’re late you can still join us. We’ll make room at the table! My challenge to you is that you have some family meals in the next months. (And don’t forget to be a part of our church family meals.) You may find that your hearts are glad you did. Pastor Nancy
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