Note From The Pastor
“I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.” (Proverbs 8:30b-31) I enjoy the fall season. The temperatures are cooler and more pleasant. The colors of the leaves are gorgeous. The crispness as we watch football and cross country and soccer, etc., is wonderful. I enjoy the season of fall. Now, having said that, I find that I like the changing seasons all year. And that’s one of the things I think of when I read the verses listed above. I look around and am filled with delight day after day. No matter what the weather, I find delight when I take the time to look around. I am filled with delight when I see our children taking part in events here at the church. Their enthusiasm in attending conferences and being a part of our worship and Sunday School is exciting. They fill me with delight. I am filled with delight when I hear the laughter of our senior members as they share in remembering stories and helping as best they are able. Their dedication to the church is thrilling. They fill me with delight. Most of all, I am filled with delight when I remember the love and grace of our God. That grace shown in our Savior Jesus is amazing. The comfort and care that is ours through the Holy Spirit is beyond our understanding. That fills me with delight. As we come to the month when we are reminded in our nation to take time to give thanks to God for many blessings, I am filled with delight. I hope you are too. Pastor Nancy
December 2024
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