A Note From The Pastor
“Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus…….Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him.” (Luke 24:13a, 31a) The story of Jesus’ appearance to the disciples on the road to Emmaus is one of my favorite stories from Easter. Think about those two folks who had probably had such high hopes about this man. And their hopes were dashed at his death and then his body had disappeared. What sorrow they must have been feeling. There may have been anger as well. After all, they weren’t sure the authorities hadn’t made off with the body to keep Jesus’ followers from mourning. I think that these two had decided that their regular, every day lives had to go on and so they were heading home. I imagine they had decided to pick up the pieces and do what had been ordinary before they had heard him preach. And then…..and then….then they realized that hope was abounding. There on a road that was totally familiar to them, they had an encounter that would change their lives. Luke tells us that after they recognized Jesus they returned to Jerusalem to share that good news with all his followers who were gathered together. There’s nothing wrong with experiencing the highs of special worship times and then going back to our daily lives. There’s nothing wrong with simply doing what we’ve been doing. There’s nothing wrong with continuing to travel roads we’ve traveled before. But, friends, when we encounter the risen Christ we ought to be excited and changed. The road shouldn’t seem quite so dusty. The every day should shine a little brighter. We should be thrilled by the stories and our experiences and ready to really live. And then we’ll truly experience the resurrection! Pastor Nancy
December 2024
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