We view Christian Education as a life long process of faith development. At First Congregational Church, UCC we hope to create and sustain an inter generational and inclusive community that integrates faith, education, and social awareness for the members of our congregation, for visitors and guests and for those in the surrounding community at large. Because we believe that faith embraces so much of who we are, the idea of developing one's faith through Christian Education is seen by our members as a vital, life- giving process that never ends. We seek to find opportunities which will enliven, inform, and broaden our perspectives. We recognize our diverse and talented congregation and endeavor to find avenues where these gifts can be given expression.
Adult Education
Many times during the year we also offer an adult education class. These offerings are typically 5 to 6 week long studies of scripture, faith and social justice. It is a time for the adult members of our church to learn and discuss different aspects of what it means to us to be Christ followers and how we can be most effective in living out our faith to the fullest.
Sunday school teachers are a vital part of our Christian Education ministry. All of our teachers are members of the church who volunteer their time and talents to this ministry. Throughout the year they are given opportunities for orientation and training and for hands on experience alongside a seasoned teacher in a classroom setting. Our teachers are dedicated to the ministry to which they have been called and we value them greatly and seek ways to support them in their mission within the congregation. We always welcome those who would like to participate in the teaching ministry and we recruit new teachers throughout the year.
Everyone Worships
One Sunday each month we celebrate “Everyone Worships Sunday” during which all the members of our congregation from the very young to the not so young gather to celebrate the richness of God’s grace given to us in Jesus through our time of worship. There is no Sunday school program on Everyone Worships Sunday; instead all ages remain in the main service in the sanctuary. Special attention is given to integrating our children and youth into the service as acolytes, lay-readers and on most occasions the children’s choir graces us with their ministry in song.
Our overall commitment in our Christian Education ministry is to see that we offer each and every person the opportunity to know God, and God’s word as revealed in the Bible and through Jesus of Nazareth. With the rest of the United Church of Christ denomination we here at First Congregational Church believe that “no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” And you are most welcome in any and all of our Christian Education activities and programs.