Our Music program is focused on enhancing the meaning of the Worship Service, Scriptures, and the Sermon. To this end, we have the following groups:
Chancel Choir
Bell Choir
We also encourage our members to demonstrate their musical talents, both instrumental and vocal, through special music and performances.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir rehearses every Thursday at 7:15 PM from September to June for rehearsal, and 9:00 AM on Sundays to prepare for service.
The choir prepares a wide range of religious music for Introit, Benediction, and Anthem in two & four part harmony. All voices (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass), and musical skill level (even if members can not read music) are encouraged to join.
Bell Choir
Beginning a bell choir is a goal in the coming year. The church has at least a 5 octave set of White Chapel Hand Bells. Through member interest and commitment we hope to begin the ensemble.