“Now you are the body of Christ and
individually members of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27) Every year when we approach the first Sunday of October, I think of this verse of scripture. I know it is not speaking directly of Communion, but it is speaking of who we are as Christ’s people. I get pictures in my head when I hear or read certain things. I love to read, and I visualize the people and places I’m reading about (especially in novels). Well, here is a picture that I love. When we come to World Wide Communion Sunday, I get a picture in my head of the body of Christ gathering at one big table. I think about all the folks and how they are dressed as they come to the table. I think about all the languages that are being spoken. I remember brothers and sisters of faith who worship differently, but all come before the altar together. I see this big spidery table that allows all of us to come as equals before our Christ. There is no “head” table, except for Jesus. The rest of us share the meal with one another. I know that is not exactly what is happening, but I like my image. When Paul was talking to the folks in Corinth, he was saying that we are all part of the body of Christ, the church. He was reminding us that we are all called to minister in Christ’s name. And, when we gather on October 5 and share in that great feast that Jesus sets before us, we are all one body. All of us gather at the same table. And we are all strengthened by the food that we eat and the time that we share. And we go out to minister in His name. Got the picture? Pastor Nancy
December 2024
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