A Note From The Pastor
“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.” (Psalm 105:1-2) Have you ever tried to list all the wonderful things God has done for you? I did that once. I must have been in Junior High School, and I thought if the Psalmist could do that, maybe I should too. I sat down at age about 13, and started listing. By the time I got past all the people in my family who loved me and who I loved, and the people who were friends to me and made my life happy, I was already feeling pretty overwhelmed. To the best of my memory, I only wrote a few other things down – like living in Virginia, having a home and food, having clothes to wear, and so forth, before I quit. By then I had a couple of pages. If I had kept going I could have filled a whole notebook. If I did something like that today, it would fill a whole folder of my computer! God has been good to me. I know the psalm that I quoted from goes on to something else. But those first two verses make me remember that we ought to remember! We ought to remember the wonderful love that God gives to us. We ought to remember all that we have and are through God’s grace. We ought to remember the mercy that has been shown to us because of Christ’s love. My challenge to you is to think about all the wonderful things God has done for you. You can make a list if you like. You can write them down if you like. But remember, friends, that God’s wonderful acts surround us. And sing praise to him! Pastor Nancy
December 2024
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